Technology In There Will Come Soft Rains

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Everyone knows about the new technologies that are being created and innovated upon that help people survive fatal wounds, allow people to use little to no energy by having technology do all its owners everyday menial tasks, or even watch over people that may need help living on their own due to their condition, but that often overwhelms the news of the creation of new technologies made to harm all that oppose it or its controller. Many science fiction articles, short stories, movies, and novels represent the threats that technology could impose, and may soon become a reality. The short story “There Will Come Soft Rains,” and the article “Taking the Warning of Science Fiction Seriously” say that the downfall of humanity is held within its ingenuity, its creativity, and its innovability, and are perfect examples of why we should manufacture new devices with foresight, caution, and care.
“There Will Come Soft Rains” is a perfect example what could happen if technology were to inherit the Earth after the humans died due to a war that ended human existence. The story shows how the humans died because of the war, and …show more content…

Advancements in medicine and health care have been responsible for causing the average life expectancy for any adult to grow greatly. Even things as little as sensors to monitor senior citizens movements could predict the early stages of many diseases and disorders so they can get treatment before it’s too late for them to live longer, happier, and healthier lives.
As stated in the beginning of this essay, the downfall of humanity is held within its ingenuity, its creativity, and its innovability, to bring to light the threat that technology can impose if use for the worst reasons, and if humanity keeps using it to destroy other humans, its salvation will be sealed away from reach along with any hope of mankind surviving for the years to

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