Technical Glitch Paper

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An important step during and after any process or project is to go back to analyze and evaluate how the project went. In this paper, we will look at the case analyses to describe the strategies used in them, identify who emerged as the leaders, evaluate the effectiveness, and articulate what I learned from participating in these groups. In the first group, Melissa Martinez volunteered to lead, which seemed fine until we encountered “the technical glitch.” As the resulting problems further and further impeded our way, the group as a whole took individual leadership roles to work to resolve the issue. Anna Ormond stepped up to communicate with the professor, Natasha Concessio faithfully submitted her work to us on time and promptly replied to the inquiries of what she could or could not see on her screen. I took a backseat position and shuffled information from one teammate to another. In the end, to complete the assignment on time, Melissa accepted Anna’s suggestion to use Google Drive to collaborate our work and until the glitch could be resolved. Throughout the process of overcoming the technical glitch and working toward a solution for the case analysis, everyone worked together as a team. In spite of the technical glitch, camaraderie ensued as we initially struggled on our own to find solutions but in the end worked together to submit the group's thoughts as our final answer. …show more content…

When each group member was trying to communicate with every person confusion was the result. Yet, when we each took specific responsibility for communication with one channel the messages flowed

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