Teamwork In Henry Ford's The Necklace

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Henry Ford’s assembly line was created with teamwork in mind. Numerous workers come together to complete a task, in this case is the creation of a car. When M. Loisel brings home an invitation to a fancy ball, he believes that his wife who has wealthy aspirations will be overcome with joy, but her excitement is overshadowed by stress. Mme.’s attendance at the ball creates a series of conflicts only able to be overcome by teamwork and persistence. The Necklace exhibits that mutual effort enables people to overcome seemingly continual conflict created by the lacking of a suitable outfit, a lost necklace, and debt through collaboration.
Mme. Loisel’s lack of an outfit suitable for a ball creates a conflict which can be overcome only by collaboration. Mathilde’s realization of her lack of an appropriate dress leads her to ask her husband for money. Though she would like to have as much …show more content…

and Mme. Loisel cooperate to find what seems to be an exact replica of the lost necklace, which they must purchase and return to Mme. Forestier. Mathilde attempts to find a replacement for the necklace to prevent Mme. Forestier from realizing the original had been lost. The couple travelled “from one jeweler to another hunting for a similar necklace” (175). They went together to look for the necklace, which proves that they are exerting mutual effort. M. Loisel uses all means necessary to pay for the necklace. He “made ruinous deals” (187) and “risked his signature” (188) in order to pay for the expensive diamond necklace. Though Mme. Loisel lost the necklace, her husband uses his savings and takes out loans to help her pay for the replacement. The couple acquires the necklace and must return it to Mme. Forestier. M. Loisel brings the necklace home, and “Mme. Loisel took the necklace back” (199) to the owner. The couple collaborates to get the necklace into the hands of its owner. Mathilde and M. Loisel work together to replace Mme. Forestier’s necklace, and she is none the

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