Team Sports Research Paper

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My personal project is about sport. I chose this theme because I think that it concerns everybody. At least once everyone has done sport in his life. Certainly when he was a child he played a lot of games, for example football, hockey, etc., ran and jumped all the time. Plenty of people go on with doing sport in their adulthood. Sport makes people to have fun, to be healthy and strong. It improves their mental abilities, and also mental health. It is something that connects people. It helps to find new friends, acquaintances, new business partners and new possibilities. It even connects different states. Doing sport also brings new experience and sometimes even adventure. Nowadays sport has a big significance for people. Before it was only …show more content…

Every sportsman is dependent on other teammates. If he does not like his teammates or there is a conflict between them, it is difficult to change the team or teammates. If other players do not do their task well it is almost impossible to win. The whole team must work together. One more thing, when the team wants to be in training, necessarily all of the team players must be present. Volleyball
I decided to write about volleyball as an example of the team sports. I consider it a very fascinating and popular game. This game was first played in Holyoke, Massachusetts, United States in 1895. In 1964, volleyball became a part of the Summer Olympic games. There are three types of volleyball: indoor, beach and grass.
In this game, the match consists of five sets. The set finishes when the first team scores 25 points and there is 2 points margin between the teams. The fifth set is played by 15 points. There are two referees. The first referee is obliged to observe action from a stand, provide a clear view of action above the net and look down into the court. The second referee is obliged to assist the first referee. He is at floor level on the opposite side of the …show more content…

On the one hand, the team sports are very useful and develop lots of communication skills. They give people a possibility to improve their leadership skills, since there must be a leader in a team and he must lead his team to the victory. In the team sports, it is essential to be able to communicate with the rest of the team, to find common language with teammates, to cooperate with others. The members of the team should not think just about themselves but they have also to think about the others. As the teammates have to cooperate with the others, they do not focus only on themselves. They can rely on each other and every team member is responsible for all his teammates. The players of the team are more flexible and know how to reach a compromise. They learn to negotiate. And then they can use these gained skills in their common

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