Teachers With Guns In Schools

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All animals have a natural instinct that is described as fight or flight. This instinct causes humans to either immediately address the danger that is in front of them or run in an attempt to get away from the attack. When it comes to shootings there is often an issue of the fight side of the human brain. Addressed by an active shooter, it is often that people will freeze with fear in response to the flight side of their brain. The article discusses that President Trump is wanting to bring guns into classrooms in order to be prepared for attacks that come upon the students and teachers. The theory is— teachers with guns will provide higher protection for the entire school. However, this theory is flawed based on the fact that many teachers …show more content…

His example is that when an athletic teacher is in need of a gun he will have issues withdrawing it from his athletic shorts (Swofford 2). Quick and safe access is a problem for anyone who owns a gun. When in need of a weapon, too often it is not within range of prompt use. Before all teachers in America are handed a gun, it is important to figure out the details of how these guns will be stored to be used when needed, but safe when not needed. President Trump is behaving irrationally based on the Florida shooting and while quick actions are needed, there should be a requirement to understand the issues that could arise when putting this policy in place. Many teachers very well might not want the responsibility of a gun. Swofford is an example of a professor that has a background in using guns yet he still refuses to work at a place where weapons are allowed. I feel this will become the case with many teachers and professors, whether they have a gun background or not. By arming people who are not prepared or experienced is putting violence as a necessity, when really it’s just an unnecessary scare tactic. The teachers in Florida risked and sacrificed their lives for their students, without guns, while the armed security officer admittedly did nothing to stop the situation. That is clearly not …show more content…

The ease of access that is necessary for teachers to use the guns in an emergency situation also presents access to students who shoot up their own schools. This is dangerous. Guns that are readily available to those who are not worthy of handling them is not a situation that should be encouraged. Guns don't kill on their own, but people with guns have the option to kill. Our president does not realize that teachers having access to guns puts a required target on their backs. There needs to be a different option. This is giving a school of hundreds of students closer access to guns which is asking for extreme danger. “I will immodestly state that among professors in the United States, I am almost certainly one of the best shooters. But I would never bring a weapon into a classroom.” (Swofford 3). Our teachers in America might not want to be around guns and very well might not want to handle one themselves. As the second amendment states the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. This also goes for those who do not want to bear arms, those rights will not be infringed. With this policy in place, their rights are being infringed, and that is not something the leaders of our country should

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