Teacher Assistant Job Range Essay

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Job Range Applied in an Elementary School Setting In my experience working as a teacher assistant I quickly learn that most job assignments and tasks required several elements to complete. For example, as I stated earlier while working as an assistant teacher I was responsible for making copies of worksheets for the entire first grade department which included 22 to 26 students in 14 classes. When I was first assigned this task, I like so many others assumed it was easy. How hard can it be to make a few copies? Very Hard! This one task consisted of 10 of each morning work sheets, bell work sheets, each subject area work sheet, homework sheets, extra practice worksheets, and testing sheets. Working as an assistant required being pulled several times a day to complete task that range from assisting in the front office, keeping a class while the regular teacher was in a meeting, training, or …show more content…

In my personal experience, I have often become stress and burned out due to fulfilling numerous job task at work. The leaders and administrators at my job have so many responsibilities it is hard to keep up with individual stressors. Job ranges can lead to overworked employees and stress. In my experience of being stressed out at work due to having too many tasks to complete a job, I often prioritize and finish the assignment that is needed first. Administrators and Principals try to help or lighten the load by hiring new employees and equally distributing the tasks, the problem seem to occur each year due to change of leaders at the school. Teacher Assistants original job responsibilities included working with small groups of children to help reinforce classroom rules and instructions. Teacher Assistants are now required to fulfill several roles in the school with the responsibility of

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