Tattoos Should Be Allowed In The Workplace Essay

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Tattoos should not determine the knowledge and skill someone has or the amount they have on their body. What should matter is if the person is determined and qualified to do the job they are applying for. Tattoos should be allowed in the workplace. Even though it does not violate anyone’s first amendment rights. A U.S. federal appeals court ruled in 2006 that ordering employees to cover up their tattoos does not violate the first amendment rights (Jon Kelly). Things like this does make people feel judged to where they think they can not show who they really are. Many people say tattoos are protected by the first amendment but still get judged. No one should be judged for what they have on their body when it is theirs. The previous generations were raised to be all the same they do not want to accept change and how different people are now from how they were back then. Most people fear that when they roll up their sleeves that they will be judged for exposing their ink (Eugene Feygin). A recent study from the Pew research center found that nearly forty percent of people between the ages of 18 and 29 have at the very least of 1 tattoo or piercings and …show more content…

Many jobs may not realize it now but things could possibly change for tattoos. Attitudes have changed about tattoos in the past decades, it is now far more common to see professionals with body art and more with tattoos in places you’d never believe to see in an office (Tattoos). Many companies use their own opinion in whether or not to ask people to cover up their tattoos and depends on the size and what the tattoo is as a whole, so it does not offend the companies reputation or offend a colleague “Tattoos”. Studies have shown that tattoos were the third most common reason used by employers not to promote an employee or hire

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