Task Based Language Teaching Case Study

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Regarding the immense significance of speaking to the learners, teachers have tried to employ unusual techniques and teaching procedures to assist learners master this skill, one of which is task-based language teaching (TBLT). Various investigators stress the significance of task-based approaches over communicative instruction in which teachers and learners feel freer to discover their own practices to exploit communicative effectiveness (Gass& Crookes, 1993; cited in Skehan, 1996). Task-based L2 performance is an attractive subject in itself and requires more experiential examination, but as tasks are extensively employed in language teaching methods and also language examination, knowing more about their efficacy could have convenient worth (Tavakoli& Foster, 2008).

2.4.3. Importance of Learning Oral Skills as Practical Issues in FL/ SL
Today, English is used by millions of peopleforseveral communicative functions across the countries. English seems to …show more content…

This study explores the importance of learning English and improving learners' speaking abilities. In order, the educators of distinctive countries decided to integrate and exploit listening and speaking skills as a complement inside grammar and as a way of improving the English level of our students through a series of motivating activities and techniques suggested.
Speaking is one of the most difficult skills language learners have to face. In spite of this, educators and teachers of English have spent all our classroom time attempting to teach our learners how to write, to read and sometimes even to listen in a second language because grammar has a long written tradition (Bueno, Madrid &Mclaren, 2006). Most of the teacher’s attempt was to expanding the approaches which could improve learners’ speaking

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