Target And Agent Essay

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The Worldview of everyone changes because of these two identities, target and agent. At this time in this world, you are either a target or an agent but what are these two identities? A target is discriminated against, marginalized, disenfranchised, oppressed, exploited, and compartmentalized in defined roles. For example when you are called a racial slur based on your race than you are a target. An agent has majority status who therefore enjoys privilege or dominance. For example a person having a job is an agent since he has a majority status over others. These two identities are important and everyone has at least had a time in which they have been a target and an agent. In this essay I will be talking about times in which I have been a target and an agent. A time in which I was a target was when I was called many stereotypes since I was Asian. Well most of them weren’t as bad but they are still very racist. One moment was when someone came up to me at a bus stop and asked me if I knew karate, well since I was Asian. Of course I said yes even though I took karate for one day and gave up but it still counts as “knowing” karate. To be honest, stereotypes could also be a good thing for example someone asked me if I could help them with this math problem since …show more content…

I am after all an agent at this very moment. Since I am getting an education I am already higher in status than others without an education. Since I am getting an education I am more privilege than others. I’m also privilege since I live in a home without paying, have an iphone, having food without working, being able to sleep on a bed, and more. At this point in life I am an agent but this could all change in the future but even if you are homeless are broke there is still someone somewhere that is less privilege than you. This changes my worldview tremendously because even if you become poor or broke, you are still considered privilege no matter

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