Tanner's Weakness

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With this foundational knowledge of the novel discussed, the article will now analyze the quality of Tanner’s work—the strengths and weaknesses, and consider Tanner’s potential bias. In regards to strengths, the novel is organized very well and considers many facets that pertain to the Catholic Church. Moreover, New Short History of the Catholic Church does possess quite a great deal of weaknesses. Tanner poorly represents women in Roman Catholic history, mitigates the Church’s faults, and pretentiously puts the Church upon a pedestal. The latter two weaknesses culminate to exemplify Tanner’s inherent bias toward the Church. First, in reference to the novel’s strengths, Tanner organizes his thoughts effectively. The use of chronological …show more content…

Although Tanner claims to describe the history with humility and sincerity, it is highly apparent that he believes Christianity is the superior of religions. For example, in the second chapter, Early Middle Ages: 400-1054, the author attempts to explain the contraction of Catholicism in North Africa. Among several very feasible reasons for contraction, such as the “heavy-handed” rule of the Byzantine or the social and economic benefits of identifying as non-Christian, Tanner suddenly soils his entire argument …show more content…

Technically speaking, the novel appears to be seamless—well organized and a variety of points of interests are considered; but, as a student of religious studies delves deeper into the text, Tanner’s bias truly fouls what could have been a rich introductory text to Roman Catholicism. Tanner writes about women in the Church as an afterthought, brushes over the Church’s shortcomings and portrays Roman Catholicism pretentiously. Hence, for those that subscribe to Christianity, New Short History of the Catholic Church may be an exemplary piece to follow the Church’s journey throughout two millennia due to its amicable portrayal of history. However, as a neutral reader curious about Roman Catholicism, it would be advantageous and, most likely more enjoyable, to seek

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