Taking Risks In The Other Side Of The Sky

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Taking risk can be dangerous, but in these stories the characters took risk because they had a motive. In the Call of the Klondike( David Nessiner & Kim Richardson), The Other Side of the Sky (Farah Ahemdi), and The Song of the Wandering Aengus (Irish Mythology); the characters took risk over being persistent, desperate, and having desire. Taking risk is something we all do; sometimes this is over curiosity and other times we take risk for a purpose. Being persistent means to keep going even if there are obstacles in the way. In The Other Side of the Sky and The Song of the Wandering Aengus; the main characters kept going to complete their mission. For example, Farah Ahmedi(The Other Side of the Sky) and her mother wanted to leave their war torn country. This was risky because as it said in the story, “The gate Pakistan was closed, and I could see that the Pakistani border guards were letting no on through. People were pushing, shoving and jostling up against the gate.”( Ahemdi,line 1-2) As you could see, the entrance of the gate was getting dangerous but, she was persistent and suggested that they stay and try to get through. In I The Song of the Wandering Aengus; …show more content…

In the Call of the Klondike, Pearce and Bond were desperate to find gold. They were desperate to find gold because, ” Everything in the country is staked and there certainly won’t be employment for all hands, as there is not enough for those here already.” (Messiner & Richardson, line 8) Meaning they were in a need of money and a job. For Ahmedi and her mother, “I felt desperate to get through, because the sun was setting, and if we got stuck here, what were we going to do? Where would we stay? There was nothing here, no town, no hotel, no buildings, just the desert.” (Ahemdi, paragraph 1) She was by desperation; they were in the desert with nothing, have nowhere to go, and don’t have a home to go back

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