Taking A Look At Jacob Kounin

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Jacob Kounin- Jacob Kounin theory was based on how teachers could use students and lessons to reduce behavioral problems in the classroom. Kounin focused on classroom management and lesson management to have a successful classroom setting. His key ideas included the following: desist, ripple effect, withitness, overlapping, and transition smoothness. Desist are the teacher’s actions and words used to stop the behavior. Ripple effect is the teacher’s method of handling misbehavior by one student, which influences the behavior of other students in the classroom. Withitness includes the teacher’s ability to know everything that is happening in the classroom and have an awareness of the verbal interactions of students with the teacher and their classmates. Overlapping is the teacher’s ability to manage two issues simultaneously. Transition Smoothness is the teacher’s management of various activities throughout the day. These can be used in a classroom by presenting firmness when correcting a student’s misbehavior. Correcting a particular behavior of one student should be a positive example in correcting the behavior for the rest of the students. When given work, teachers should establish routines and give concise directions to make transitions effective. Jacob Kounin’s theory can be implemented in my classroom by being aware of all of my students …show more content…

His theory implied that teachers should seek out need-based explanation for why their students are motivated to misbehave. They also had to negotiate alternative ways for these needs to be met. Teachers are not allowed to define students by their misbehavior. A way this method can be implemented in the classroom, is when students begin to have a tantrum, allow them to go in a quiet area to calm down and resolve their own conflict without having to send them to detention. They learn how to resolve their own problems rather than take them out on someone

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