Ta-Na-E-Ka Short Story

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Ta-Na-E-Ka ending story Mary fought with her grandfather, She ran out of the house. Mary ran into the woods, Slamming into a tree, she ran to the house crying. She met with her grandfather and he spoke loudly to her, “MARY! WHERE WERE YOU?” Mary spoke in defense, “I WAS IN THE WOODS YOU TOLD ME TO DO TA-NA-E-KA AGAIN!” Her grandfather replies, “YOU ARE LYING!” Mary spoke with a great roar, “LIES,I HAVEN’T LIED TO YOU A SINGLE SECOND!” Her grandfather pointed to the woods, “GO! NOW!” He called her back, “WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?” She replied, “TO THE WOODS!” She stomped off huffing Mary ran off into the woods she tripped on a rock while running she found a man towering above her with a black coat and a clown mask …show more content…

She hides behind a tree, ripping a branch off, the man followed, BAM! The branch slams into the man’s head, she laughs running, she finds a river flowing with fish and other aquamarines. She grabs a bass, she trips and falls into the river (Hey at least she takes a bath, right?) she scampers to get out, SUCCESS! She runs into a camp of men she hides behind a building with arms and other weapons in it she grabs a knife out of the building. (to help kill deer and stuff.) She runs into a deer on the way back to the area she was in, a deer rams into her, causing her to fly backward and land on her back. She struggles to get up, blood streaming down her arms she grabs the knife, slamming it into the deer. She runs, jumping over the river and almost tripping, she made a small camp with wood to make a small hut and a fire to keep warm, she heats the deer to eat. She cuts the deer into small strips to eat. She falls asleep in the hut, a Small pack of wolves approach her in the middle of the night she wakes up to the wolves biting her legs and arms. She saw the scars on her body, she struggles free she manages to kick one wolf in the lungs and stun it. Five days passed without her even knowing it. She sees her grandfather in the woods she asks him “Yes..?” He replies to her “Hello mary, It has been five days.” She seemed surprised “R-really!?” He replied “Yes.” He said to her “Let’s go.” She states “Yes sir.” Mary and her father were happy to be finished with

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