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Conceptualize, for a moment, a segregated society encompassed with constituents of any and every ethnic group you can envisage. A society that was structured on the basis of a congressional constitution that ostensibly embraced all citizens by the same token. A society that refused diversification in social institutions such as: formal education, restaurants, professional sports, and the collective public all together. A society where manifestable racial discrimination was not considered deviant, and as opposed to present times, a norm.
Admittedly, the nation by which you just visualized is indeed the United States of America about a half a century ago. As you visualize our great and beautiful country presently, you will perceive that times have changed dramatically. To take a case in point, educational institutions now encourage inclusion rather than segregation, interracial relationships are at an all-time high, sports are extremely diverse, North America has the leading net migration rate universally, and our President, Chief of the State, Chief Executive, Chief Diplomat, Commander in Chief, Chief Legislator, Chief of the Party, and Guardian of our economic system is in fact, an African-American man.
Although it is true that, the successful diversity of our society can be attributed to the progressive interconnectedness of the many racial-ethnic groups within it, I concede that sports played an immense contribution in the evolving diversity of our society. To put it succinctly, the diverging of color barriers in professional nationwide sports greatly contributed to the converging of the varying national populace. One instance in particular was indispensable to this progression, which was the landmark battle of Jackie Robinson ...

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...tatives in the world leading social institutions counting: education, religion, health and medicine, law, governmental politics, economics, mass media, and indubitably sports.
Conjure up if Jackie Robinson would have not had the courage to cross the color threshold of Major League Baseball sixty-six years ago. Would sports be integrated with representatives of every nationality in the universe and be as diverse as it is today? Would our republic and/or government consists of members of one racial-ethnic group? Would our country be generally adhering to the foundations it was built upon by our founding presidential forefathers? How would our economy operate? How would society function coherently? The current success of our nation is due to diverse society we compel for, without that one dramatic occurrence in 1947, where would be as a nation contemporaneously?

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