Synthesis Essay On One Thousand Dollars

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What can one hundred dollars buy, a better question is what can a credit card buy? Most anything, right, while it is true that cards can be used for a variety of things they do not have as many uses as liquid cash can. A lot of people argue that large bills should be replaced with electronic currency. Some argue that removing large face bills would help the economy in that it would help decrease crime, illegal immigration, and more. The only effect it would have on those is convenience; doing so would merely make illegal activities inconvenient, not stop them. Phasing out cash would bring a variety of problems, the most prominent is having to move the current liquid money into banks. The banks would be flooded with large bills that can no longer be used, and the government would be forced to cease production of large bills, forcing the economy to go digital. As described in source two, “physical currency …show more content…

Switching to a electronic paying method would mean that if one was unable to pay with the digital currency they would have to pay in smaller bills. This is touched on by source one in the quote “For example, cash is still handy if a hurricane or natural disaster knocks out the power grid” (Rogoff). The author touched on how small bills can help in the case of a disaster, but all transactions are not always less than 20 dollars, one could need gas, a car repair, or a variety of other things, and carrying a wad of twenties around is not only bulky but obvious. Assuming one even continues to have a back up store of liquid money, relying largely on electronic banking could mean that less people save cash money, and withdrawing money during a disaster could not work, as is described by the warning in source one, “Most disaster-preparation manuals call for people to keep some cash on hand, warning that ATMs might be paralyzed”(Rogoff) This small quote was included in the passage describing a case of why cash is

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