Synthesis Essay About Drugs

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Drugs. Along with prostitution, drugs have existed since the beginning of time. Romans would use heroin and cocaine as medicine while Indians would use Marijuana. Even today, they are everywhere. However the perception and the role of drugs has changed and evolved throughout society. What was once viewed as an item useful for medicinal and recreational use, now is viewed as a very appalling and dangerous thing in our society. In this paper, it will be argued that the current role and approach to drugs is inefficient, ineffective and far more dangerous than the drugs themselves. Drugs need to not only be decriminalized but legalized completely. There are many prominent issues in our society but none as quite as big as "the war on drugs". A term coined by Richard Nixon when he officially declared all drugs a threat to society. Everything today from crime, healthcare to …show more content…

Have drugs always been viewed as bad in our society? When and why were drugs outlawed? Have the effects of that been positive or negative? If they've been negative what needs to change in order solve the problem of drugs? These are all questions that will be addressed in this essay. Furthermore this essay will highlight the legal status and constitutionality of outlawing drugs. This essay will use four key arguments to establish that drugs should be legalized. The first; The lesson from drug prohibition was learned in 1920 when Alcohol was made illegal. Regulating human behaviour failed then and has failed now. The second; drugs are a medical and social issue, not a legal one. The third; Outlawing drugs has not prevented the usage or convenience of getting drugs. The fourth; Legalizing drugs will free up the legal system to pursue crimes that truly harm society. Furthermore, legalizing and regulating drugs will bring in tax dollars which can be used to educate people about the dangers of drugs, along with more funding for the legal

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