Synonyms In Eliezer Wiesel's Night

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Night. The period of darkness within a twenty four hour period. Synonyms are: darkness, dark, night fall, night time, and anything else related to the unilluminated hours of the day. Most people, when describing night time, forget that it is not entirely inky black. There are stars. Thousands and thousands of stars. The bright points in an otherwise dark span of time. Night by Eliezer Wiesel illustrates how humans can find their own points of light and hope in a stygian world. Over the duration of Night, Elie Wiesel recounts his experience within several death camps in 1944 and 1945 Germany. He describes his personal exploits in Auschwitz, Buna, and Birkenau camps. Accompanying him on most of the journey is his father, and they share an …show more content…

He thinks very analytically about what’s happening to and around him (even with his father, even through storge and family). He discovers that the bad things that occur (murder, murder, hunger, murder, beatings, murder) don’t cause the day to drag on near as badly as the good things do. When something good starts to happen, (invasion, bombings, transport) it makes the days and night even more tiring. An example of the length-changing days, is when, several times, Eliezer states that years and years have passed between major events, but in reality, it has only been a few months. It feels like an eternity because of the bad things that are happening in between the hopeful things. The long stretches of darkness between points of light make the days seem to stretch on forever. To a young boy, this can seem even longer because he has his whole youth and it’s being wasted by a renown evil.
“Last nights” seem to be very important to Elie. On page seventy nine this question is posed: “Yet another last night. The last night at home, the last night in the ghetto, the last night in the train, and, now, the last night in Buna. How much longer will our lives be dragged out from one ‘last night’ to another?” A good point for a fifteen-year old to bring up. Most high schoolers today wouldn’t have come up with a thought that insightful. This quote just goes to show the analytical thinking of a young boy aged well beyond his

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