Sympathy for Pip in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

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Sympathy for Pip in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

For the past half term, in English, we have been spending our lessons

on a novel by Charles Dickens called 'Great Expectations' We have been

concentrating on the opening Chapters as well as to understand the

novel. 'Great Expectations' is based on a boy called Pip. Pip is an

orphan who lives with his cruel sister and husband Joe Smith who's a

blacksmith. He is poor and lonely as his siblings unfortunately died.

The book tells us how Pip was encountered with a convict and how his

life has changed from there. Pip was given the chance to become a

'Gentlemen' and the novel takes us through an adventure, which along

the way picks up secrets. Dark secrets. Eventually Pip ends up with

his lifetime sweetheart Estella. Throughout this essay, I will be

explaining as well as describing how the author, Charles Dickens,

makes the reader, feel sorry for Pip.

We are now going to look at the first Opening Chapter. Chapter one is

basically telling us who the main person is and setting the scene in

which he was brought up with his sister. Charles Dickens has written

this novel in first person so it helps us to understand Pips feelings.

This Chapter tells us about his past, present and future. It tells us

how Pip feels about what the tragic thinks that have happened to him

ever since he was born.

In Chapter 1 the novel starts off by Pip introducing himself by

telling us how he ended up being called Pip. He then goes on to tell

us about his sister '...Mrs Joe Gargery, who married the

Blacksmith...' He then tells us about his parents. He tells us that he

has never seen his parents or his ...

... middle of paper ...

... that she made both drink tar water. In those

days it was said that tar was very good for you. Well they presumed

that it was good for you.

This Chapter goes on to tell us how Pips home life was. In this

Chapter Charles Dickens helps us to feel sympathy for Pip by giving

him such a nasty home life. He writes that Pips sister hits not only

Pip but also Joe. She is very nasty towards them.

In these days it is now illegal to hit any child let alone your child.

The cane has been banished and if you treat your children in a harmful

manner, your children would be taken away from you. It is not

situation Pip was in then not even for Joe as he got the painfulness

out of both of them.

Chapter 8 is when Pip goes to meet Estella and Mrs Havisham. He was

invited to go and meet her to play as it was written in the letter.

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