Symbols To Choose The Closet In Sherwood Anderson's Speak

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If you look at a lot of classic books, you’ll notice that many authors place symbols in their works to enhance the reading experience and character development. In the novel Speak, the main character Melinda, is going through a difficult time. After calling the cops on a party, everyone has disregarded her as a human being. With no friends, she has no where to go to, until she encounters the closet at school. She has turned the janitor’s closet into a safe haven for herself where she can let everything out without the fear of being judged by others. Coincidentally, it seems that Melinda not only chose the closet to be her sanctuary because it was empty, but also because they are both exceptionally similar. The closet is a place for Melinda to hide from reality and escape her problems. When Melinda says that the closet is, “abandoned—it has no purpose, no name,” the reader can infer that Melinda is talking about herself (Anderson 26). Ever since she was raped by Andy Evans, her purpose for life disappeared, she lost her identity, and she lost her voice. In the beginning of the novel, people ignore Melinda and make her feel invisible. Likewise, students avoid the closet because it is abandoned and no one knows about it. Melinda attempts to make everything right, but …show more content…

“Maya Angelou’s picture watches,” her as she begins to, “sweep and mop the floor” (Anderson 50). Even though she makes an attempt to make it perfect it never will be because it is simply just a janitor’s closet. This appears to be a metaphor relating to Melinda’s life as she tries to hide the fact that she was raped by making parts of high school enjoyable. During the middle of the novel, it is shown that Melinda is trying to fit in but no one will give her a chance. Melinda’s closet, is a place where she can be alone with her thoughts and not have to speak to anyone; but eventually, she will be able to speak

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