Symbols In On The Sidewalk Bleeding

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In the story On a Sidewalk Bleeding, Tony wears a purple jacket that symbolizes he is a member of the Royals street gang. A member of the rival gang, The Guardians, stabs him and tears the knife across his stomach. Several people have the opportunity to aid him, but no one helps Tony, and he bleeds out and ultimately passes away. The setting of the alley and Tony’s Royal’s jacket’s symbol in of “On the Sidewalk Bleeding” leads to the his death because if Tony was not wearing the jacket, and was not out late at night, he would not have been stabbed. Tony could’ve prevented his death, by not being a part of the Royals. Tony joined this gang because he wanted to feel important and wanted to have meaning in his life. He felt that joining this gang would give him a sense of pride. It turns out that …show more content…

In the story, it says that “He had left the jump to get a pack of cigarettes” and that “he would be back in a few minutes”. If Tony would’ve made the right decision and stayed inside, he would not have been in a position to get stabbed in the first place. The cigarettes could have waited another day. It is also not smart to be in an alley, especially late at night. You can’t see any of your surroundings and there is a possibility that you could get hurt just like Tony was in the story. Tony could’ve averted his death. If Tony had not wandered around in an alley late at night, and worn a Royal’s jacket, he would not have been stabbed and would still be alive. He was stabbed because he was a Royal, not because of his identity. He tried to be something he is not. People refused to help him because he was a part of the Royals. Also, if he wasn’t out late at night in an alley, he wouldn’t have been in a position to get stabbed. He went out late to get cigarettes, but the cigarettes could have waited another day. Although we don’t know it yet, decisions we make in our lives can come back to haunt

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