Symbolism in Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost

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Symbolism in Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost

Many people consider Robert Frost to be one of America's greatest poets, and one of his best known poems is "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening". In the poem, Frost describes a person stopping just outside of town in a wooded area with his horse. He stops for a moment to appreciate the wonder of the world that he has spent so much time in, something that he may not have done much in his younger years. The horse could be a symbol of the pressures of the rest of the "civilized" world. The horse nudges the speaker on as if "to ask if there is some mistake," just as society might nudge someone into movement and not understand the necessity of "stopping to smell the roses." The last three lines of the poem could be the realization that, although the speaker might like to stay in the woods much longer, there are responsibilities that must be attended to and many things that must be completed before the final rest, death, takes him. The poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" is, therefore, an allegory of life showing the need to enjoy life, the pressures that often keep us from enjoying life, and the unfortunate fact, that most people do not realize what is gone before it is too late.

In the hustle and bustle of today's society, it is often difficult to appreciate the world around us. Many times, due to the pace of our lives, the purity and beauty of nature is often lost in the shuffle. Frost, through his poem may be pointing out that there is more than just the "nine to five." The wonder of life, the falling of the leaves, the smell of a flower, the touch of a friend; all of these things are what makes life worth living. These are the "lit...

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...ortant is gone, we are allowed to relax. What irony that when most people reach retirement, that euphoric era when responsibilities are a thing of the past, they are unable to enjoy themselves. Again, the realization of all the things that could be is too late in coming.

In this one short literary work, Frost seems to point out that so many of us lose out on so much that has been placed on this earth for us to enjoy. Whether that loss is due to the pace at which we live our lives, the pressures from the outside world, or the requirements of our responsibilities is irrelevant. Whatever the reason, a loss it is, and a loss that we might not feel until it is too late for us to do anything about it. It seems that Frost is trying to show the reader not to take things for granted as we walk our daily paths, and to stop, just occasionally, and smell the roses.

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