Symbolism In Shakespeare's Sonnet 18

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One can believe that the symbol in this sonnet is the summer’s day representing a person that is too passionate like a man. In line 1, “Shall I compare thee to a summer 's day?” (Shakespeare 1). With this quote many can say that Shakespeare “Sonnet 18” will be about how he will compare someone to a summer’s day. One can believe that Shakespeare wrote this about a man due to the word “thee”. Shakespeare uses Old English with most of his work, in addition, Latin word is used in most Old English around the time Shakespeare used it. So, with that most Latin words that end in “e” are represented as masculine. Since Shakespeare used “thee” in his Sonnet one can think that this is to be used as a masculine gesture. In addition, the theme sonnet …show more content…

In addition, another point to the theme, besides love, is death. Toward the end of “Sonnet 18”, Shakespeare informs the audience about the death of the man. Jonathan Hart explores, “the language and imagery of the sonnets, concentrating on the theme death” (Hart). The theme can also show how the symbol, the summer’s day, plays a role in the poem. Shakespeare use the symbol to prove that the life of a man will never end, even though the symbol will go then come back. “Sonnet 18”, in line 9, “But thy eternal summer shall not fade” (Shakespeare 9). This proves that the beauty of man and summer will not fade away either or not time is of the essence. Also, in line 4-5, “And summer’s lease hath all too short a date / Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines” (Shakespeare 4-5). This emphasizes that summer does not last forever, but its sun is hot. Many people believe that the sun during the summer time is the man’s physical feature. Critics believe the overall theme is that Shakespeare is in a love triangle with the man and “Dark Lady.” James Davey states, “Gere we have a love triangle involving Poet, Young Man and “Dark Lady”” (Davey). However, “Sonnet 18” never mentions the beauty of the Lady, nor does it mention her similar to the man. In addition, without the characters in this sonnet, most likely there would not be a …show more content…

Critics believe that the important parts of Shakespeare’s Sonnet are the Dark Lady. Davey states, “What is important here is that the Dark Lady experience seems to have been already passed and absorbed into the Poet 's inner world of hopes and disappointments, of his own understanding of what Love must be on an idealistic level, and what it has been with him on a practical level” (Davey). However, the Dark Lady is not the main character in “Sonnet 18.” It’s mainly about Shakespeare feelings for the man, his beauty and how he is sexually attracted to the man. Daniel Gil states, “It is in relation to the Young Man that Shakespeare experiences the kind of asocial sexuality” (Gil). This provides evidence that Shakespeare wrote this sonnet to prove his overall love and the beauty of mankind. For example, in line, 6, “And often is his gold complexion dimm 'd” (Shakespeare 6). Many may think it shows how Shakespeare is comparing the summer’s sun colors to a man’s complexion. One critic thinks that this line may be talking about an older woman. “The sonnets of Shakespeare, taken as a whole, may be said to form a sonnet sequence: a series of sonnets, usually addressed to a woman for whom the poet has conceived a passion” (Lord). However, some critics may be confused by the author’s problem and what Shakespeare was trying to convince the audience. Shakespeare was stating the beauty

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