Symbolism In Hills Like White Elephants, By Ernest Hemingway

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In the short story “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway, symbolism is incorporated throughout the story. Ernest Hemingway was a nobel prize winner, journalist, and short story writer. Ernest Hemingway 's impressive style, till this day continues to influence other writers. The story begins with a couple at a train station, the American and the girl. The American seems to be knowledgeable and in control of the relationship and himself. The girl is to portrayed as being less assertive, persuasive, dependent and most of all confused. There is tension amongst the couple in regards to an operation that is suggested for the girl. The topic of the operation seems to create a problem between the couple, therefor they dance around the issue …show more content…

She describes them by saying ”They were white in the sun and the country was brown and dry “They look like white elephants,” she said” (Hemingway 223). The Expression “elephant in the room” can indicate a subject that someone is trying to avoid or something that no one wants to address. In this situation, the girl is trying to avoid the topic of her unborn child and whether or not she should have an abortion. She however realizes that the topic must be discussed in length due to that any decision can be life altering. Yet, later on she retracts her statement by saying, “They don 't really look like white elephants. I just meant the coloring of their skin through the trees” (Hemingway 224). This quote shows how uncertain the girl is about the abortion, she even calls the hills lovely at one point. She even hints that perhaps she wants to keep the baby. Her perspective on the whole subject is impacted by the American. As the discussion seems to go on, she begins to avoid the unavoidable subject altogether. She is metaphorically comparing the hills and the …show more content…

It stopped at this junction for two minutes and went on to Madrid” (Hemingway 222). The setting of the short story highlights the point that they are at a train station, where the railroad tracks run parallel but they never cross paths. Also, that the relationship is at a crossroad. This symbolizes the couple 's relationship is on rocky path, for instance, they never say anything meaningful to each other. Both the girl and the American talk but neither of them listens or truly understands one or another 's point of view. Drinking alcohol is an escape from their reality. As the girl is getting intoxicated her perspective on the situation is being manipulated, not only by the alcohol but also by the American. As a reader you are able to sense that there are deeper problems in the relationship of which the unborn child is only one. The reference to the hot weather signifies the tension the couple is going through and how uncomfortable this situation is for them in that they do not know where their lives are heading due to their lack of communication. The heat seems to stretch beyond their

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