Symbolic Interactionism: Understanding The Family

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Symbolic interactionists view the family as a site of social reproduction where meanings are negotiated and maintained by family members. Symbolic interactionists argue that shared activities help to build emotional bonds, and that marriage and family relationships are based on negotiated meanings. Symbolic interactionists also explore the changing meanings attached to family. They argue that shared activities help to build emotional bonds among family members, and that marriage and family relationships are based on negotiated meanings. By far, my favorite sociological theory is Symbolic Interactionism. This is a very useful theory for understanding other people, improving communications, and learning skills. Another theory for understanding the family is the Family System Theory which has proven to be very powerful. Family Systems Theory claims that individuals are inextricably tied to their family. According to the family systems theory, anything that happens to any family member has an impact on everyone else in the family. How people think and behave is deeply influenced by their family background, and people are best understood by understanding their family. …show more content…

In my culture, new parents turn to their parents for advice. In this way, grandparents also have an active role in raising their kids children, this means (in my case and most cases) that the child might have two or sometimes four active parental figures at home. Parenting styles in different countries are different. U.S. parents value independence and self-reliance. At the age of 18, their children are expected to leave the home whether it’s to college or to live independently. In my cuture, the latino culture, parents value family integration. One comparison is certain and that is that all parents want what’s best for their family. All children need unconditional love from their parents and extended family

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