Swimsuit Ethics

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A swimsuit company has just finalized their new summer collection. The actual swimsuits themselves are not great quality and are not expensive to produce. At best the swimsuits will last maybe two summer seasons. For some reason most teenage girls love to buy this particular brand of swimsuit, no matter how expensive they are nor the amount the expense for them rises each season. Why is this the case? The advertisements for these swimsuits are extremely false and it is completely unethical to target these uninformed consumers. They use air brushed models that have been photo shopped to perfection. They look stunning in the swimsuits the company is trying to sell. The consumers being targeted here have no idea of the quality or the production costs of these swimsuits. Do you believe this is ethical? The company in this scenario is being unethical by targeting consumers in a couple of different ways. Firstly, they are creating a false impression for their swimsuits. These teenage girls are going to buy them expecting unrealistic results. Their use of perfectly air brushed models will cause self esteem issues in girls because they do not look as good on them as they did in the …show more content…

For example,some fast food joints use models in skimpy clothing to attract males of all ages to buy their burgers. Cereal companies use cartoon animals to attract kids to buy their brand of cereal. Even toothpaste companies use attractive people with perfectly straight, white teeth in their commercials. But this should not be the case. According to The Street online article, 13 out of 15 of the most unhealthiest cereals in America have cartoons all over the box. This is unfair to consumers because brands like these are making it harder on them to eat healthy and even harder on parents to encourage their children to eat

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