Swimming Alternate Ending

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The next day in P.E. the sun was shining, although the air was shockingly chilly and windy. Today, Mr. Kick decided that we didn't have to go swimming today and instead we would run a mile on the track. Yippie, I thought sarcastically, one doom in exchange for another.
Although, the weather wasn't the only reason why Mr. Kick had called off swimming. Apparently last period three boys decided to defecate in the pool, that's right, they dropped their trousers and pooped. Honestly, I had no idea what was going through those boy's heads when they did it, was the act supposed to be some sort of male bonding experience?
But when Mr. Kick delivered the news to us, most the girls in the class squealed with disgust, myself most likely the front-runner …show more content…

It's Thursday already?"
"Oh yeah, definitely," I said coughing, you?"
"No, probably not."
"Oh c'mon," I said, "might as well, it could be fun."
"Maybe," she shrugged.
Just then, Lauren and Emily passed me by and giggled, looking back at me with contemptuous expressions. Okay, that was it, they were going down.
"Alright, back to running," I said, giving a Mackenzie and salute and racing off.
As I ran, I began to think about my mom and me jogging together; it was such a peaceful jog. Why did I always turn running into such a terrible experience, all I needed to do was give myself a comfortable pace. Forfeiting my gained lead, I let Emily and Lauren pass me by as I settled into a comfortable jog, see this wasn't so bad now. Throughout the rest of the time, I maintained the jog, and now I was on my last lap. Surprisingly Emily and Lauren weren't far ahead, and I believe they were on their last lap as well. With determination, I began to sprint, making my heart pump faster than I had ever felt before. All that was left the was the straightaway, with Emily two feet away and Lauren ten feet. Letting out a cry, I pushed myself harder and dashed as fast as I could, my legs felt shaking, my chest tight, my heart felt like a grenade ready to explode! Suddenly I passed Emily and continued faster, faster, faster,

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