Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street

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The typical and traditional hero illustrates heroism and is mostly characterized by brave, strong, etc. Jonathan Michael defines an anti-hero as a "flawed moral character"(Michael 2013). In Today Society's the popularity of an anti-hero has increased in pop culture most likely drama in my opinion. These drama movies and TV shows utilizes the difference between the anti-hero and hero. Throughout dramas it is portrayed that the anti-hero and hero seem to be different and, in some ways, they are. In my opinion the most popular dramas are center around the concept of good versus evil. Why do we the people fascinated with movies admire and prefer to watch anti-heroes rather than the normal stereotypical heroes? For one we watch these antagonists …show more content…

In this film, the main character Sweeney Todd the anti-hero, he kills for revenge that the audience may or may not agree on or support. Benjamin Barker who is Sweeney Todd in the beginning of the film has a major influence because he is placed as an anti-hero but goes against the typical way of a anti-hero main character. Benjamin Barker had been falsely charged by a man who had lusted after his wife and Barker was sent to prison. 15 years later, Barker who at this time changed to Sweeney Todd begins his revenge quest with Ms. Lovett who is has falling in love with him. She mentions to him that his wife posion herself after being raped by Judge Turnpin and his daughter Johanna is being held hostage by Turnpin. He comes back to find Judge Turpin and wait for the opportunity to take his life. Sweeney Todd attack mostly people of authority and he is sending a message that he is not afraid of authority …show more content…

Colinblacksite mentions that "The moral legibility is a way for the viewer to easily identify, connect and put themselves in the shoes of the character and sympathize with them"(Colinblacksite 2017). In my opinion I think the viewer do put themselves in the shoes of the character and sympathize with them because I do sometimes. Therefore, the audience would gravitate more with a film like Sweeny Todd; that is so dramatic, suspenseful, and horrific. The main character suffering and being a victim in the beginning of Sweeney Todd makes the audience understand and sympathize with Benjamin Barker knowing that amount of suffering could corrupt anyone even themselves if they were put in that predicament. Sweeney Todd is an anti-hero; the character showcases a part where he is trying to be a hero and save the damsel in distress which is his daughter Johanna. But he's so focus on getting revenge and killing everyone instead of saving his beloved daughter. Another example of how Sweeney Todd is an anti-hero is that when he was killing for revenge; he then started to kill for Ms. Lovette so she could bake her meat pies and keep lots of customers coming back to her restaurant. If the audience was see the story in a different perspective they wouldn't think he was an anti-hero but more as a villain. But, if you put yourself in Sweeney Todd shoes ask yourself would you do the same to get revenge on someone who took the

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