Sweat Lodge Ceremony Essay

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Songs accented by the low thrumming of a drum consumes the hot, dark sweat lodge; the scent of sage and tobacco smoke envelopes each of the lodges members. The description provided is only a taste of what I’ve experience during a Cherokee sweat lodge ceremony. For Natives American’s, the sweat lodge ceremony is performed to purify it’s participants. Various tribes believe that the great life exists in harmony with the body, mind and spirit. When a person of their communities harmony is disrupted, sickness typically overtakes them. The sweat lodge ceremony consists of a prayer circle that serves to transform one from their old self into their new self. In the preceding essay I discuss my personal experiences and the teachings that accompanied …show more content…

Lodges are typically built near a body of water which provides the water that’s later used during the ceremony. The entrance of the lodge is faced either west or east depending upon the tribes beliefs. The lodges skeleton is made by intertwining willow branches in a dome like shape. Certain tribes have been known to say that the lodges dome like shape symbolizes the a turtles shell, or a mothers womb. The structure of the lodge is completed by covering the intertwining willow branches with canvases to insulate the inside from the outside. Years ago the aborigines would cover the the willow branches with the furs of animals, typically bison for the tribes in the west. The coverings serve to insulate and keep heat from escaping the sweat lodge where the heat plays a key role in the ceremony. Before the sweat lodge ceremony begins, prayer ties are crafted, consisting of tobacco wrapped in cloth.. The crafting of the prayer ties can be interpreted as a meditative action; your prayer and intentions for the sweat begin as you prepare the ties. The color of the cloth that surrounds the tobacco divides the prayer ties into four groups representing the different sections/directions of the sweat lodge. To …show more content…

Elders of tribes have lead members of the community during these sweat ceremonies. Before the ceremony is officially begun the sacred rocks are brought inside the lodge and placed in the dug out pit. Typically the elder of the ceremony leads the community in a song that brings the onset of the ceremony. During this first song the elder scatters sacred herbs across the scalding rocks, which in my experience have consisted of sage, tobacco, and sweet grass. Other tribes have been known to utilize other herbs for different spiritual reasons. After the first song has been sung, the community voices their intentions and prayers for the sweat while being shown support by their peers. Intentions range from family conflicts to personal struggles the individual is dealing with. Once the members intentions have been voiced, other songs are sung to the creator. During each song the elder pours water on the rocks, creating steam that envelopes the lodges inhabitants. The steam serves as a test for the lodges inhabitants due to the intense heat it produces. Following each prayer, members reply “aho” to acknowledge the ending of the prayer, similar to the

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