Sustainable Energy Essay

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“To truly transform our economy, protect our security, and save our planet from the ravages of climate change, we need to ultimately make clean, renewable energy the profitable kind of energy.”-- Barack Obama. As the negative effects of traditional energy and the benefits of sustainable energy are becoming more and more apparent, the whole society has a significant increasing emphasis to develop and use sustainable energy. As Barack Obama said in the Address to Joint Session of Congress, the benefits of sustainable energy include, but are not limited to the economy, the environment, and the nation security. Sustainable energy includes renewable energy and the technologies that are designed to improve energy efficiency. In addition, renewable energy, also called soft energy, is generally defined as any energy source that is naturally reproducible. For example, solar, wind, ocean waves, and geothermal heat can be continuously replenished, while coal, oil and natural gas are disposable. The goal of technological efficency if to use less energy to accomplish the same task. Sustainable en...

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