Suspense In A Streetcar Named Desire

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First, suspense one of the most annoying yet amazing part of a narrative/movie. Suspense is a state or feeling of excited or anxious uncertainty about what may happen “I will not lose my nerve. I will not.” (32). Suspense plays a huge part in this story. Throughout the whole story suspense is everywhere, it’s in a tree and on the ground and in the air and just all around. One scene Rainsford is in a tree while Zaroff was right next to him about to be alerted by Zaroff. “If you are within the sound of my voice I congratulate you” (33). Rainsford made a trap to distract/kill Zaroff and it ended up wounding him causing him to say what he said. Not one person has made it that far according to Zaroff. Next, imagery, something that gets your mind

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