Susan B Anthony Research Paper

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A Cry Out for Women’s Suffrage: Susan B. Anthony For centuries women could only get low paying jobs, the men had more power over women, and women were not privileged to vote during this time frame. Women suffered everywhere from gender discrimination in what jobs they could get hired for, limited rights they had, and what power they could retain after marriage. Although those were the normalcies for previous centuries, many women became angered with their mistreatment. One of those angered women being, Susan Brownell Anthony. Susan B. Anthony took various measures to gain some rights, gave speeches, and even ended up in jail in her effort to advance the women’s suffrage movement. Susan B. Anthony’s earliest effort to advance the suffrage movement began with her initial measures to gain some rights and get the women to come together as a stronger union. Susan B. Anthony was convinced that the constitution would have to be specifically amended to include women suffrage (Stevens 3). This proves that Susan B. Anthony understood that in order to gain women suffrage, the women would have to convince the president or Congress …show more content…

Anthony refers to the definition of a citizen, a person entitled to vote and hold office, and the questions if we women are persons (Anthony 2). This showed that women were technically not citizens because the women were not privileged to vote. Anthony also degraded the government’s gender discriminant barrier that separated the women from being a definite citizen within the United States of America. Another example from the text is that Anthony called for justice, equality, asked for civil rights and political rights to belong to all U.S citizens (Flash Focus). This proved that Anthony wanted all women and future daughter generations to have the same given rights that the men had. Anthony also desired women to bestow those rights forever and have the opportunity to secure those rights in the voting

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