Surface Learning Autobiography

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I grew up being homeschooled my entire pre-k to high school time Getting by was an understatement. Early on I learned that as long as I spied on my mom correctly, I would always find a way to the answer key for math. Did I want to “learn”? no, I wanted to get by. Never did I know, however, that would be something carried over to the rest of my life. Getting out of that cavern would be a tedious multi-year tasks that still tries to take me down in my adult life. In reading about the problems associated with surface learning, the one that stood out the most to me was this: usually motivated by a fear of failure. I’m sure a psychology student could take years on me unraveling all my twisted messed up ways of dealing...or more properly, NOT deal …show more content…

When I think back on my education as a child, though, one thing that strikes me is, it's not like I had anything else I was in a rush to do. My parents over sheltered me, to an extreme. No tv, no video games (obviously_, only a few pre-selected friends. I had some toys, but not like most other kids had until my early teens. I remember being excited about life in my early childhood, but the rest of it was dominated by jealousy and resentment. Another memory is when I was at my uncle's house and my father was showing me simple math problems. I could see the answers to the cards in the window reflection. He was so proud of me. And so disappointed when he found …show more content…

Two outcomes of this learning experience are possible. First, fall back into my old ways, old routines. Procrastinate until the last moment. Just do enough to get by. I think the one though that sticks out the most are I have the opportunity to enjoy or hate this experience. TO feel the weight of it all constantly, without the pleasure of the challenge. Also, there is a way of living which I try to apply to myself as I get older.
Be present, not it the hopes of tomorrow, that job or vacation, but in all the amazing gifts I’ve been given today. The ability to not work and focus on study is incredible. I do have 5 kids of my own, in-laws, and other pressures, but compared to so many I know, it's nothing. It is nothing to the single mom making her way through with kids and a full-time job. NOTHING. may I never take it for granted, or complain.
I hope as I endeavor to become a deep learner, I will take joy in what's set before me. Also, to build upon lessons I don’t just learn, but make my own, so I can apply them to the next

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