Supreme Court Research Paper

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The Supreme Court was invented from Article III of the Confederation. Article III, Section I states that "The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.” [1] The Supreme Court consists of 9 justices. That includes 1 chief justice and 8 associate justices. The justices are nominated by the President and the number of justices is set by congress. The Supreme Court plays a big role in our government, it is the highest court of our land. It ensures that each branch does not over power another. It also ensures that the government does not pass laws that violate any of our civil rights. Supreme Court cases have an import role in our …show more content…

This building is located in the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C. The press believe that burglars were connected to higher rankings in the White House. President Nixon and other white house officials denied anything having to do with the break in. In 1973, a Senate select committee began an investigation, and it became clear that top members of the Nixon administration were involved in a cover-up of the break-in and several other illegal actions[2]. They also found recordings of Nixon having conversations with special advisors that were involved in planning of the break in .Nixon refused to release the tapes stating that they were protected under executive privilege .Executive privilege is the principle that the President has the right to keep certain things or information confidential. It took about a year for the court to decide that the tapes were not executive privilege. Nixon did have to turn over the tapes but some of them have been erased. Even though some of Nixon’s conversations were erased, there was enough evidence to show that Nixon was involved in the Watergate Scandal. The House of Representative’s voted to

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