Supply Management: Supply Chain Challenges In Indian Scenario

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B. Karthik Kumar - 1413024
Supply chain challenges in Indian Scenario

1. Globalization of manufacturing operation
Manufacturing in Global Operations make’s very much difficult in selecting the suppliers around the network. One of the biggest challenges that Manufacturing companies are facing is high supply chain cost. In order to satisfy their customers price expectations, companies opted to relocate their manufacturing facilities to low cost countries around the world in an effort to reduce direct and indirect costs.
2. Safety and quality products
Since the demand is increasing day by day due to increase in population around the world, The Manufacturers have to produce …show more content…

The logistics industry also depends on the timeliness in which products are delivered to a destination.
Logistics forms an important part of the supply chain and involves the planning, implementation, and effective forward and reverse flow of goods, services, and related information from origin to recipient.
Logistics management is comprised of materials management, channel management, physical distribution, and supply chain management. It also includes the warehouse management system which takes control of stocks, and streamlines the movement of goods in the storage units.
Increased globalization in manufacturing and other technological advancements has made companies focus more on core activities, and thus logistics activities have been outsourced as a cost-effective solution.
In the case of India, the growing economy now requires a boost in its logistics services to keep the goods flowing at an increasing rate. The logistics field is now estimated at a value of more than $US14 billion, with further growth envisioned. Logistics-related services in India encompass transportation of goods by air, land, waterway, and …show more content…

Carbon Credit
A permit that allows the holder to emit one ton of carbon dioxide. Credits are awarded to countries or groups that have reduced their green house gases below their emission quota. Carbon credits can be traded in the international market at their current market price.

How to Implement in Retail Supply Chain?
Through RFID
RFID tags can be used as certificates for carbon credits. For example, when sellers want to attach carbon offsetting credits to items, they place RFID tags on them that represent the credits for the items. Therefore, purchasers, who buy the items, tear the RFID tags from them and return the tags to the sellers (or the stakeholders of the credits). When the sellers receive the RFID tags from the purchasers, they transfer the credits to any accounts for payments that the purchasers specify.
It involves seven steps which are
1. A seller places an RFID tag on an item (or a volume of items) if the item has no

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