Summary: The Second Treatise On Government

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Corinna Majorino Assignment 2 The Second Treatise on Government First set of Questions 1.) What was Locke’s view of humankind? Locke was an influential and intelligent thinker. Property and nature were highly recognized by Locke. That was more of his prized possession. He demonstrated the fight for rights and believed people were sovereign. Liberty rights, property rights and life rights. Locke believed that everyone should be treated equally. I a white person can do it, so can a black. If an African did it, so can an Asian. All rights were equal for everyone. Equality was a state of Locke’s that he tried to enlarge. No man was/is superior to another. He demonstrates freedom and individualism as well as regards to the bill of rights and …show more content…

These are your natural rights as a person. 3.) How did Locke influence Jefferson? Locke had influenced Jefferson in regards to the Declaration of Independence. Reasoning why is because of what Locke’s has stated on the natural rights to life, freedom, government, individualism, liberty and property. He explained how every man has their own freedom, self-sufficiency, property and their own individualism. Jefferson came to terms of being influenced by Locke’s proposal. 4.) Explain the famous quote. “We hold these truths to be self-evident.” The quote “We hold these truths to be self-evident” was part of the Declaration of Independence. It was said by Jefferson. This quote highly stresses how vital it is for all men to be equal. That means equal in life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Jefferson originated the theory from Locke and continued to make some additions. The legitimate government’s role is to protect “certain unalienable rights”. This would conclude life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Some people over step the word happiness. It is not meant for you to feel self-satisfaction or cheerful daily. It is meant that you have lived your life to the fullest with …show more content…

What were the major tenets of mercantilism? What impact did mercantilism have on European countries as well as the United States? Use outside research to support your argument and be sure to site all of your sources. Do you see any similarities between Adam Smith and the writings of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau? Building a powerful a wealthy state is a nation purpose which is known as mercantilism. It states how power depends on wealth and vice versa. There are major tenets of mercantilism. One was to balance the trade of both gold and silver into the country which was used to maintain domestic employment. The term “mercantile system” was developed from Adam Smith. The system actually was extremely beneficial to the Western European dominate. It helped the trade operation by forming colonies from European countries. It stresses how encouraging exports and restraining imports have enriched the country as well as political economy. The goods traded were beneficial for the increase in

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