Summary: The Adolescent Pathology Scale

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The Adolescent Pathology Scale (APS) was first administered in 1998 (Reynolds, 1998). The APS ambitiously measures 40 dimensions of adolescent psychopathology. (Konold, 2001). 25 of these dimensions are a reflection from the DSM-IV. The APS scales includes: 20 scales of clinical disorders, 5 scales of personality disorders, 11 scales of psychosocial problems, and 4 scales of response style indicators. There are also three additional factors (Internalizing, Externalizing, and Personality) that can be obtained by the combination of various scales (Konold, 2001). The author states that the APS is not intended to provide for a formal diagnosis of various disorders (Piersel, 2001). In addition, the APS-short form assesses the frequency of symptoms

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