Summary: Postoperative Education In Discharge

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Postoperative education is essential to a patient’s recovery after surgery and should be incorporated as part of the discharge process (Bobay et al., 2015). Currently, nurses are challenged in providing timely and relevant discharge teaching. Lack of nursing resources, complex workloads, and insufficient education hinder effective delivery (Cebeci & Celik, 2008). Following surgery, patients are not consistently receiving repeated one-on-one educational teaching prior to discharge (Fredericks et al., 2010). The goal of patient education is to effectively deliver education creating learning experiences in which the patient has a good working understanding of their plan of care and recovery (Hyrkas & Wiggins, 2014; Koelling et al., 2005; McBride & Andrews, 2013; Ramya & Andrews, 2012). As stated throughout the research, individualized teaching sessions utilizing the teach-back method prior to discharge positively impacts compliance with discharge care plans, reducing mortality and readmissions while decreasing hospital costs (Hyrkas & …show more content…

This can be achieved by incorporating simple, evidenced-based strategies into daily practice. By applying theories focused on patient-centered care and self-care behaviors, nurses as educators can support safe, effective transitions of care. The literature strongly supports individualized teaching incorporating the teach-back method in the delivery of patient education during discharge (Bates et al., 2014; Hyrkas & Wiggins, 2014; Koelling et al., 2005; Ramya & Andrews, 2012; White et al., 2012). This method of teaching should be utilized when patients and nurses engage in any educational learning to assure patients clearly understand content necessary to their medical treatment and recovery. Furthermore, nurses need to be provided with the tools and formal education to institute this best practice

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