Summary Of Tim O Brien's The Things They Carried

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This story concentrates on the death of one of the platform members and the horrific conditions of Vietnam during the war. This story's topic is a very unique. All the characters are carrying backpacks with full of items like food, clothing, weapons, and even pictures of loved ones. However, they are also carrying full of emotional baggage that driven by negative feelings such as fear and loneliness, plus, the story is written as if the narrator is working up the courage to talk and relieve about his thoughts and emotions. The list of things they carried are way for the narrator to discuss the more emotional issues. First, the story begins with the main character discussing items that involved with every day’s life. These items are so important to clear out character's personality and to provide background information to the audience. Also all the items that make life in Vietnam more valuable. The first list of items are including chewing gum, tobaccos, juice, and lighters. Henry …show more content…

The weapons are now described as “a mean of killing or staying alive.”( ). The list is brief and the he goes more quickly into a discussion of Lt Cross’ obsession with Martha, the good luck pebble she gave it to him, and the fantasies he has about her keep taking his mind away from the war. The next list refers to things they carried according to the type of mission. It still refers to gear and weapons but the narrator now includes more details about conditions of the war. The list is then forgotten and the events of Lavender’s death are finally told in clear detailed. The narrator has worked himself up to the point where he can talk about the entire event without going back to the lists before getting the whole story out. He goes into great detail about Lt. Cross’ fantasies and it is disturbing to hear about how he really wasn’t present mentally at a very dangerous

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