Summary Of There Is No Unmarked Woman

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In today’s society women are being marked in various ways, such as their physical appearance, their employment and through the idea that women are inferior to men. As a women, I can attest to this. Although it is true men have also come to be marked, women have been greater victims of countless judgement for many generations and are still prevalent victims of it today.
In the essay, “There is No Unmarked Woman” by Deborah Tannen, the author states that “some days you just want to get dressed and go about your business. But if you’re a woman, you can’t, because there is no unmarked woman.” (p. 415) Tannen uses the word “marked”, which means to be judged, in a negative connotation to express that, an obstacle women face is that they are being …show more content…

Some men don’t even consider that the reason women wear makeup is to feel better about themselves. Women spend an average of $15,000 on beauty products and $3,770 goes to mascara alone. (Goldembewski) Women spend so much money, to feel confident, but end still be marked for the choice to do so. In addition to women being marked for their choice of wearing makeup, women are also constantly judged for their physique. Women who don’t have an “ideal” physical appearance, tend to be judged negatively and marked for not having these characteristic. The “ideal” body for a woman in the eyes of society is having a flat stomach and long legs. Those women that do not contain those characteristics are victims of bashing on social media, which leads to insecurity. Women who have the “ideal” body also fall to be victims of being marked on a daily, because they are given unwanted attention for their looks, which can make some women feel uncomfortable. Women are also greatly criticized for their clothing …show more content…

. If a woman has a high ranking job, there can be many speculations of how she earned the position. Only 14.2% of the top five leadership positions at the companies in the S&P 500 are held by women. (Edgan) The number of women in high ranking positions is very low, which causes there to be question whoever a woman is hired in a high ranking job. This questioning of a woman leads to them to be judged for how they achieved this accomplishment. Woman can also be marked for being a stay at home mom, like Nora, the character in the play, “A Doll House”, who is marked by her husband, because she doesn’t work and just spends her time shopping. Women during the Victorian era, which is the time period of the play, where highly marked and considered inferior to men.
Today and for many generations women have been victims of being marked because of the idea that women are inferior to men. Men for years have perceived as physically and mentally inferior to men’s capabilities. During the Antebellum period of the United States, women gathered together to write the “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” to have women be addressed in the Declaration of Independence. Women have been marked for because they have been considered inferior to

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