Summary Of The Massacre Of Innocents By Giuseppe Piamontini

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When the world was created there was chaos, that chaos has since persisted throughout the course of human history. In Giuseppe Piamontini’s twin pieces, The Fall of Giants and The Massacre of Innocents, he shows two pivotal moments in human history that have forever shaped society through a single action: the creation of the religious world. The use of cold dark bronze in these works helps display the gloom and terror of the scenes. While the intense detailed expressions on the characters faces conveys their horror, grief, or insatiable lust for violence. Piamontini does a fantastic job showing these violent beginnings will have violent ends, there is no escaping it as the cycle will always repeat. The first piece in this set is tilted The Fall of Giants, accession number 1974.607, and it is a detailed depiction of the grecian god Zeus, calling down a storm of stone that crushes every man underneath it. If not for close inspection, one would walk right past the stony mound and never notice the crushed limbs sticking out from underneath. Piamontini intended this in order to show the brutality of the gods, also representing symbolism of returning to the earth, the old religion is …show more content…

The scene is that of a group of soldiers brutally slaughtering mothers and their babies. Most of the women can only look on in terror as their children are slung about like dolls. However one woman on the bottom right corner does fight back, sinking her teeth into a soldier arm in an attempt to stop his sword. She is too late though, as her baby boy has already been pierced through the stomach. Piamontini does not censor anything in this scene, showing every gruesome detail necessary to convey the aforementioned message: violent beginnings will have violent

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