Summary Of The Film 'Baghdad Express'

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1. Write a summary of “Baghdad Express” in about 150 words. The short film "Baghdad Express" presents us to Maya, a young girl who works in her father’s restaurant. We meet her walking towards an interview that possibly can result in her being accepted to a fashion school by getting a scholar ship. To get in would fulfill Maya’s greatest desire of working in the fashion industry, and her friends Talal and Louise are both encouraging her to achieve her dream. But Maya is very observant towards her father and his illness. Her father is very protective of her, and she is very aware of the fact that he doesn’t want her to leave him. Even though it is not said directly. At one point the father fires Talal, because he thinks that Maya and him are She’s doubting even though a career in the fashion industry is her childhood dream, a dream inspired by sewing with her mother, as it is shown in the flashbacks. You see this in every way of her personal behavior. Her room is decorated with mannequins, fashion posters and it generally seems as she is very aware of what she’s wearing and how people regard her. It therefore seem odd, that she is having any doubt. The worry is caused by her confusing relationship towards her father. They both seem to want what’s best for the two as individuals, but there is some kind of undertone of holding on. Holding on to what is familiar and well known. What separates the two, is how this feeling is shown. Maya is considering the father’s feelings more than her own. She can’t seem to do anything that goes against his approach, which she thinks is a desire of her staying with him. The father never says this though, so it’s something she just assumes. The clash of one’s dreams and obligation is the main theme of the short film. The fact that she ends up burning the letter is a symbol of her choosing her family over her own desires and urges. She realizes that she could never leave her father, and taking the scholar ship may seem as a to big upheaval. Maybe she’s just

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