Summary Of The Documentary 'Child Of Rage'

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A man by the name of Jeffery Dohmer would drill holes in to the heads of young men and then fill it with sulfuric acid in an attempt to create a zombie like person. He did this in order to fulfill his fantasy, one where the men he was attracted to would never leave him. He did not do it out of anger or revenge but because he had an over-powering desire to do so. Many before Dohmer such as Theodor Bundy and Albert De Silva acted on desire and impulse as well. This led many researches such as scientists, criminologists and psychologists to try and put together pieces of the puzzle. They wanted to discover the reason behind what led these serial killers to commit such heinous murders and why they’ve become such violent human beings. This brought scientists to two possible thoughts, were serial killers born with a predetermined gene that creates a tendency towards homicidal thoughts or do they become murders from growing up in unusual circumstances as children? This led to many studies that try to find answers by figuring out whether it is nurture or nature that creates these psychokillers. Although it is important to …show more content…

The documentary films the therapy sessions of a girl Beth. Beth is a girl who, along with her younger brother was adopted at 16 months old by a pastor and his wife. A few months after the children’s adoption, the pastor and his wife started to notice odd behaviors from their children. By the age of 6 Beth, who exhibited nightmares would constantly torment her brother using physical and sexual abuse. In the documentary, Beth openly talks about how she would not only like to hurt her brother but she would like to kill him along with her parents. By that age Beth would hurt the house pet, kill baby birds of a tree near their home and masturbate constantly. It was later revealed, through the dreams she’d been having, the level of abuse she endured as a

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