Summary Of The Courtier By Baldisare Castiglione

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Education is the foundation of our world, as it builds the careers that run our daily lives, and helps students learn skills to be successful. Baldisare Castiglione’s Book of the Courtier, Jeffrey Selingo’s Book College (Un)bound, and Southern Virginia University offer three different approaches to education. Of the three approaches, the best approach would be Jeffrey Selingo’s. This approach focuses on helping students find a way to be successful in the workforce, balance their passion and basic skills, and addresses errors education may be unaware of.

After reading both Castiglione and Selingo’s education approach, I have considered Baldisare Castiglione’s approach as an ineffective approach. As it focuses on making someone the perfect courtier …show more content…

Southern Virginia University’s idea of education is requiring students to take possibly unwanted classes and abiding by a code of honor. Most schools do not ask you to follow a code of honor like Southern Virginia’s honor code: “Based primarily on the values and guidelines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, our Standards of Conduct consists of the Code of Honor, Dress and Grooming Standards, and Community Bill of Rights.” (Southern Virginia University) This makes it different and constraining to a non-latter-day saint student attending the university. As many schools, do not have regulations on hair or what you wear to class. Jeffery Selingo, however, focuses mainly on the balance of passion and necessary skills. At Southern Virginia University, you are required to take general education classes such as math, science, English, civilizations, art and foreign language. These core subjects are important, since they allow someone to gain a broad amount of knowledge in many subjects. Yet, many of these subjects are not considered useful for all careers. For example, an art major does need to take biology classes; since he or she does not need knowledge about cell structure and mitosis to be able to become an artist. Even though Selingo believes in gaining a wide range of knowledge he shows that some classes are full of things that are not important all students in …show more content…

Selingo’s approach helps students pick the best major to transition into the workforce and his approach is individualized for each student. He also succeeds in showing the increase in basic skills needed in the workforce, that are not strengthened in the education system. Selingo also, addresses the faults in the education system, such as weak critical thinking and writing skills among students. Selingo states that people not only need to be aware of this, but should feel the need to improve them as well. Through Jeffrey Selingo’s education approach, students are able to build a better foundation critical thinking and life skills to succeed in careers and make differences in the

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