Summary Of The Constitution According To Levinson's Flaws

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Question 4

The American Constitution is a living, breathing document. As society progresses, the document is supposed to adjust to the needs and will of the people. However, Levinson challenges whether necessary adjustments are ever actually made. He believes that the way the Constitution is structured promotes an inefficient and even unjust government. Like all arguments, there are always two sides. The founding fathers obviously had the best intentions, and the fundamentals of the Constitution seem to be a guide towards a strong federal republic. However, there are definitely flaws, and the only way to adequately address these flaws would be to call for a new Constitutional Convention. This essay will address why the Constitution is flawed along with its greatest flaw, and why a Constitutional Convention must be called.
According to Levinson,” The framers of the Constitution were under no illusion that they had created a perfect document.” He cites multiple instances which …show more content…

After the Philadelphia Conventions, in a letter to his nephew, George Washington himself states that even the strongest supporters of the document can openly admit that “it is not free from imperfections.” As time passes, it is supposed to be up to the people and their increasing knowledge and experience to properly amend the Constitution. That is why John Locke’s original idea of creating an unamendable document did not happen. Creating a perfect and unamendable Constitution would be impossible because of the dynamic nature of American thought. What seemed to be acceptable only a couple decades ago is morally wrong today. A prime example would be the lack of rights given to African Americans.
Perhaps the greatest flaw in the Constitution is its ambiguity. Although there is a distribution of power among the branches and the

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