Summary Of The Age Of Federalism

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The Age of Federalism written by two highly skilled historians Stanley Elkins and Eric Mckitrick describes how the country advance from just an idea to a working republic. In different ways, this story is about the evolution of two party system. It is surprising how the political organizations quickly became an integral party of a democratic system, but they did this regardless of warnings against political factions by American leaders who was afraid for the diverse impact it may have on the emerging republic. This book was written in order to give an analytical survey of the nation’s crucial decade under the constitution. This book provides a historical account of political, military, economic, cultural and diplomatic problems that faced the new nation. These issues are examined in the book from different point of views. The authors conducted a well-organized research using hundreds of sources such as, government documents, US documents, statesman’s papers, doctoral dissertations and newspaper articles. This book attempts to explore the great figures that played a major role in shaping this remarkable era. The authors did this in order to know them better and accurately interpret their behaviors. The book reveals Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison and Adams to be more complex, spirited and contradictory more than other …show more content…

One topic that comes to my mind after reading this book is the discussion we had about Jefferson vs Hamilton. How they had different views about farming and manufacturing. Hamilton believe that there should not be conflict between agriculture and manufacturing while Jefferson was of the opinion that America has large amount of land, therefor it is best that citizens should pay more attention on improvement and farming in these lands because those who labor in the earth are chosen by God. This book gave be in-depth knowledge about Jefferson and

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