Summary Of Sandra Cisneros's Woman Hollering Creek

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Sandra Cisneros 's story of Woman Hollering Creek describes the tale of Cleofilas, A woman from Mexico who marries her love - who soon turns into her abuser - and moves to a Latin community in the U.S. In this journal I 'll be sharing how I feel how Cleofilas upbringing lead her to being attached to an abusive man and my thoughts on the story.
Cleofilas grew up without a proper female representation in her life. She had a tough masculine father and six brothers. This made her base her feminine self and expectations for life off of the popular romantic telenovelas that she watched and the characters in it. The telenovelas gave her the expectation that love could only be paaionate, dramatic, and that you should cling onto the love of your life even through unfaithfulness and abuse. It gave her a bad message in that even through such negativities you can live with that person happily ever after afterwards. These telenovelas are what directily lead her down the path dependency and submissiveness. …show more content…

My first image when reading this part about the telenovela was a woman throwing herself like a goon at an idealistically handsome man with his fist out for her face to fall into and he makes out with her best friend. Then she gets up tp throw herself once more. To me it screams unrealistic dependency and idealism, and to girl already growing up with high idealism and no solid experience with love, I can see how she fell into Juan Pedro 's love trap when she met

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