Summary Of Robert Peel's Principles Of Policing

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Robert Peel's Principles of Policing ( Bohm and Haley, 2011) were standards that helped to create the formation of the law enforcement model used today. Many of these are still practiced in law enforcement agencies.
They are as follows:
The police must be stable , efficient, and organized along military lines;This standard was put in place to ensure disciplined officers and a line of command.
The police must be under governmental control ; There has to be an accountability for officers beyond the department boundaries, ultimately the state has to answer for officers and their actions.
The absence of crime will best prove the efficiency of police; This means that if there is no police action this shows efficacy of law enforcement. …show more content…

This means officers chosen should be level headed and have the ability to handle high stress situations without losing control of their emotions.
Good appearance commands respect; Officers should show pride in their dress and uniform. Neat, appropriate attire, wearing assigned uniforms in good repair show respect for their position.
The securing and training of proper persons is the root of the agency; Constant education and training is essential for developing good officers.
Public security demands that every police officer be given a number. Officers are assigned a number that correlates to their precinct/ or area of patrol. This number is used to communicate quickly and efficiently on the radio and in written reports.
Police headquarters should be centrally located and easily accessible to the people. The citizens should be able to find the police station in a easy manner , there should be availability of an officer or dispatcher to speak with the citizen and take report or complaint.
Policeman should be hired on a probationary basis. This gives the new officer time to train under a qualified experienced

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