Summary Of Marketing New Inventions By Robert Rodriguez

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Robert Rodriguez’s “Marketing New Inventions” is an essay describing the problems and setbacks that arise when new inventors first begin to market their creations. He discusses the hardships that Shelly Conte and Cindy Reichman faced when their toy, “Hide-N-Seek Hayley”, was overlooked by a new “Care Bear” toy of a similar idea. He then talks about the success of the “Hula-Hoop” and its epic achievements, causing others to cash “in on the plastic hoop’s popularity” (549). Later, he delves into the concept of inventors always having to “sleep with one eye open” (549) and stressing about “the possibility of a much larger competitor taking them out” (549). He then goes on to explain that patents do not always keep impersonators from chewing off …show more content…

Candlelight was unsafe because of its flammability and the light bulb was the solution to that problem. Throughout time, the light bulb has proven its worth and convenience. Unlike the “Hide-N-Seek Hayley” and the “Hula Hoop”, the light bulb was revolutionary for the growth of mankind. “Hide-N-Seek Hayley’s” sales began to fall “about a year later when a major player in the industry put a new spin on its popular Care Bear by introducing a hide-and-seek version” (549). With the light bulb, there was a very slim chance that it would be knocked out of the market by a newer product because it solved a problem that many people faced at that time and it still solves that problem today. Edison said, “I find out what the world needs. Then, I go ahead and invent it.” He wanted to work out one of the world’s predicaments. The light bulb has stood the test of time because it was a less dangerous solution to the dilemma of darkness than the …show more content…

The open flame on a candle could cause many house fires, burns, and injuries; the light bulb was the answer to this problem. With Edison’s invention, safety was a main concern. Light bulbs serve an important function in our modern society and they help brighten up the once dim atmosphere. With brighter surroundings, there is less strain on the eyes to focus on an object and this maintains eye health. Along with this aspect of health, open flames take up the oxygen in the room that they need to stay lit whereas light bulbs do not. The light bulb has served a magnificent purpose in the world and has become one of the greatest inventions of all time. Finally, the light bulb has become a necessity in this society. For example, light bulbs are found in most homes and places of work. Light is needed to do many things today. Lights are used in cars to brighten dark highways or they can be used in lamps to illuminate a room. Another example of why light bulbs are necessary is that without them, work would not be able to continue passed sundown. Light bulbs serve an important purpose that is often taken for granted and they have numerous uses and functions in manufactured goods that we see

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