Summary Of Laurel

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The story takes place in Orick California. Orick isn't a very busy place to be at 15 so halfway through the book she moved to Crescent City where the population is about 3 times what it was in Orick. The story is set in modern time.

My first character is Laurel. Laurel is adventurous, outgoing, and fearless. She is both of things because she was never scared to go out into the woods to find out where her wings came from. My second character is David. David is smart and knowledge seeking. David is smart because when Laurel showed him her wings he told he not to be scared and kept her calm. He is knowledge seeking because he went and researched everything with her together. My last character is Tamani. Tamni is trustworth. In the book when …show more content…

Laurel got sick and tired of what she was doing there. So after her parents decided to she moved to Crescent City, California, to attend public school at Del Norte High School. Laurel has some adjustments to make. For one she had no idea how to make friends at her school and the only friends she had were her family. The reason for the move is that her father was buying a bookstore. Her parents dream was to buy and own a bookstore together. Laurel was always outside, it's where she felt closest to anything . Soon after the move she befriends David. David is a charming and sweet boy who understands Laurel and her strict vegan diet and parents. But when a bump between Laurel's shoulders sprouts into a small bud on her back she starts to freak. Hesitant to confide her recent affliction to her parents, Laurel seeks help from David, and together they investigate the strange phenomenon of her "wings" or blossom. Their only crazy idea is that when she was about three years old, she was found on her parents' doorstep, with no knowledge of where she came from. It turns out that Laurel is actually a more advanced version of a plant she is a faerie. The two soon discover that Laurel's whole body is of plant cells and that she is a plant type. On a trip back to the family home that Laurel begged her parents on, Laurel's world suddenly took a

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