Summary Of Killing Animals By Gary Francione

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Would you ever kick a harmless cat as hard as you can? Could you ever hurt a harmless animal, especially if it was just asking for your attention? Gary L. Francione, in his opinion article Stop scapegoating the cat-kicker, seems to think that the case of Andre Robinson kicking a stray cat 15 feet into the air should not be prosecuted or punished. He goes even further and compares Andre Robinson to every single person who eats meat, fish, dairy or eggs. From Francione’s point of view, all meat-eaters are the same as Andre Robinson who kicked a cat. According to him, all the non-vegans who stand up against animal abuse and cruelty are hypocrites. I believe going into such extremes and comparing those two things is absolutely absurd. I work in an animal hospital and personally would never hurt an animal unless it was a life threatening situation. …show more content…

Am I a hypocrite because of this? Am I a bad human being? This essay will discuss why an act like Robinson’s should be sentenced and disciplined; it will show the difference between senseless animal cruelty and killing animals for food, and will also examine why a vegan diet is not suitable for everyone. When a dog or a cat, or any other animal hurts a human it is put to sleep straight away. A human life is more important than a life of an animal. That is the way we think and to us it is logical; however, animals have no voice in the matter. So, what kind of punishment should a person receive for a senseless act of violence against an animal? In his article, Dr. George Simon, who is a clinical psychologist, separates animal abusers into three different categories: Unwitting abusers who do not realize they are doing harm to animals; immature abusers who harm animals on purpose but lack the mental capacity to understand their wrong doing; and lastly, serious intentional

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